Thursday, September 2, 2010


Oh my goodness,  I can barely contain the joy that I have for this next coming week!!!!  You will be able to tell how excited I am right now by how many exclimation marks I use throughout this post!!! (hehe)  The first half of the week, Daniel and I are going to Miami, FL to visit my Uncle and Aunt (my mom's brother and his family).  I haven't seen them since our wedding (a.k.a--over a year ago!!).  So, I am really excited to spend time with them.  It is really hard to be away from them because I grew up with Terry and Angela being around all the time when they lived here in Indiana.  They were always there for all my dance recitals, all my musicals, all my major swim meets--If I had an event, and they were always there!  I would see them at least once every month or so.  Since they live in Florida now, it is more like once a YEAR.  They have 3 boys, and it kills me to not be around to watch them grow up!  We will be there for 5 days and then we head off to our next destination :)  Here is a picture of Terry, Angela and the boys! :)

(These are a little old, but I don't have any new ones of them right now!)

After we visit with them, we will head to Atlanta, GA to visit with Daniel's brother and his family!!! :)  They have 2 kids and one little girl on the way!!! :)  I have blogged on here about a trip we took recently to see them.  If you want to see come cute pictures of their two little ones, check out this post!  We will be visiting with them for 4 days.  We can't wait to spend time with out neice and nephew.  Since Tara is pregnant right now and her due date is in early December, we aren't sure if we will be able to see them over the holidays coming up.  So we thought, we better go see them now just in case we can't make it for Thanksgiving or Christmas.

So, I might be MIA next week, and I just wanted to warn you guys!  Don't think I fell of the face of the earth or anything :)  I will hopefully have lots of Blog ideas when I come back!

Oh yeah, I keep forgetting that Monday is Labor Day.  I hope everyone has a fun and safe holiday!


1 comment:

The McClain's said...

Have a great trip! Love you guys! :)