Thursday, April 28, 2011

Robinette Wedding

Kristina is one of those people that is always encouraging those around her.  Even though she doesn't know it, she was there for me in one of the most critical times in my life.  See, she was my boss at my college job at IWU.  I worked for her while I was going through THE roughest time in. my. life.  But being the way that I am she probably never knew because of my chronic necessity to always seem like the happiest person in the world!  Even still, she was there encouraging me and expressing interest in my life :)

Even though I didn't get to know her groom before hand, I know that these 2 were meant for each other when I first met Mike :) The way they make each other smile with just a cute.  They were like 16 year olds on their wedding day!!  I had such a great time capturing their wedding ceremony and I am so grateful of her support for this dream that I have.

Without further ado......Kristina & Mike's wedding day :)

Getting ready!

 They did a sand ceremony--this was my first time seeing one!

 Four generations :)

Mother & daughter :)

Married at last!

Thank you guys so much for letting me share in this special day!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


As I reflect on the workshop I took with Jasmine Star recently, I can't get this one piece of advice that she gave constantly.  She talked a lot about taking risks.  Not just financial ones--but life-changing ones. I posted on my Facebook page this morning on how risks are scary.  I mean if they weren't I don't think it would be called that.....deep, I know :)  But as a photographer, there are so many variables that go into it.  You have to set yourself apart from every other photographer out there.  It's a lot easier said then done!!  In this overabundance in the industry right now, it gets harder and harder everyday to figure out what risks to take.  I have to say, for me the most risky things I need to do involve money.  I guess admitting out loud that taking financial risks is hard thing to do.  Debt, paying bills, struggling to find work...these are all scary factors.  BUT if we want to succeed, if we want to stand out to the world, if we want to share our gifts with growing families with weddings, babies, engagements....we have to connect with them.  We have to throw ourselves out there....and see if anyone latches on.

It's getting that time in my journey to take some risks.  But I am not sure I have to cahonas to do it.

Lord, if this is truly the path that you want me on....PLEASE show me a sign.  Lord, I want to share this gift with so many but there are so many things that have to happen in order to move along with my photography.  I need the strength to know this is the right decision.  I need the peace that only You can give.  I need confirmation that we can financially afford to take these risks.  Most of all I need You to come along side me and show me the way.  Show me that this is truly where You are leading me.  You are my Creator, my Comforter, my Jesus name, Amen.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Cross Centered Days

"We make time for what we truly value. We build habits and routines around the things that really matter to us. This is an important principle to understand as we seek to build our lives around the gospel. Do you want a cross centered life? A cross centered life is made up of cross centered days."
— C. J. Mahaney

As I reflect on this coming Easter and the resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ, I think about this quote from C. J. Mahaney.  This makes me examine my daily routine on what is important to me.  What are the things that I prioritize for my day?  Dishes? Laundry? TV shows? Daniel? Bible study......Praying......

We say that Jesus is the center of our lives, that we know the severity of the Cross.  But do we really??  As we reflect on this Easter season, let us pray that the Lord will reveal to us what we are putting before Him. 
But the greatest part of this is that even though we fail daily...the Grace of God covers those who have accepted Christ into their lives!!  Grace covers all! :)

I will leave you with Chloe doing her daily activities today :)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thursday Thoughts

So I am going to start a new thing called "Thursday Thoughts"!  I got it from my friend Kara Smith who has a blog called Life Thus Far.  Go check her out :)  So here is my thought for this Thursday!

Happy Thursday everyone :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Lindsey & Chad: Engagement

They met on Facebook.  You see Chad was trying to connect with students at Indiana Wesleyan University and when he typed that into his search on Facebook--Lindsey was the first name to pop up.  From then on they knew they were quite a unique match :)  Lindsey and Chad are getting married and July and I am super excited to shoot their wedding!  Here are a few of their engagement photos we got in Fort Wayne!

Found some random chairs in downtown :)

 So gorgeous :)

You know, just chillin' on a newspaper stand :)  That's how we do!

Wow, you guys are going to make really cute babies!

Thanks for meeting me in Fort Wayne guys! I am glad the rain held off--it was so worth it :)  Can't wait until July!

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Today I am taking an online course with Jasmine Star.  She is bringing huge challenges into my life with this course.  She is challenging me to think.  Like, who does that??  Seriously?  She is making me challenge who I am.  Who I want to be.  Who am I?  What inspires me?  What makes me who I am right now?  All of these questions are supposed to help me grow my business....but yet, I am scared to answer them.  How do I answer these questions when I am afraid of the answers...

This course is changing my life.  Does that sound cliche?  TOO STINKING BAD.  It's true.  I HAVE to  figure out what inspires me, what makes me tick, if I want my business to grow.  It is uncomfortable, it is scary....but that's the risk.  You have to take risks to grow.

Can't go with out a photo so here you go--a sneak peak of a quick trip to Chicago I made a few weeks ago :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Eric, Aubrey & Logan

Eric and Aubrey are the kind of friends you hope you have for a lifetime.  They are caring, considerate and just plain lovable.  They are expecting their little guy, Logan very soon and when they asked me to do their maternity pictures I was like....UH YES! :)  The best part about it was that we got to do the shoot in their house which made it so much more comfortable for them.

My other favorite part was that this is their first child!  And they both are mega excited to be parents :)  So without further is Eric, Aubrey and Logan!


 Aubrey making Logan's crib

Simba, one of their cats decided to join them :)

Gorgeous :)

One of the things I love about them:  They are not afraid of showing their love :)  Eric loves his woman and shows it openly and Aubrey lets him!  I love that about them!!!!!

My absolute favorite!
Thank you guys for letting me capture these awesome moments :)  Can't wait to meet baby Logan!