Thursday, July 29, 2010

John Tibbs

Ok guys, I have to tell you about this guy, John Tibbs. He is a worship leader at Madison Park Church of God (for the young people service) and Daniel just recorded his album. Can I just talk to you for a minute about how talented my husband is?? This record is INCREDIBLE. I mean, so good that it was on the TOP 40 CCM list on iTunes the first day it came out!!!! Daniel did almost everything on this record--tracks, vocals, tuning, mixing. The only thing he didn't do was master it. Which, I know, to most of you means nothing...but it is soooo good!

Ok, so anyway, more about John :) He is an incredible guy. He just turned 20 (I think) and recently got engaged. Him and his band travel around to summer camps and serve as the worship team--which is totally awesome :) Here is his website, go check him out and listen to his music. Oh yea, and one more thing that makes him totally awesome--he writes his own music :)

Here are a few pictures of his CD release party he had earlier this month.

I hope you guys enjoy these pictures!!  I worked really hard on these :)

Make sure you check out his website--I am totally serious, he is not only a really cool guy, he has an awesome voice!

Courtney :)

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