Thursday, July 15, 2010

Baking Adventures

When it comes to cooking,I love trying new things, and most every time I try something new it is a success. But when it comes to baking--I unfortunately don't have the same skills! I am not sure the difference between the two, but I wish I was a better baker! But seeming that we have a while until we have little Howell children running around, I have time to perfect my skills! :) Because as a mom, I want my kids to say that their mom makes the best cookies on the block :)

So, we are having dinner with some friends tonight, and I had seen this recipe online for these cute cupcakes. I thought, wow, those look yummy....but can I successfully make them without messing them up?? Answer: Yes I can! :) I will share some pictures of my wonderful berry cupcakes!

I didn't take pictures of all of the steps, but I did do a before and after shots of the ingredients. I got this idea from a friends blog I read all the time, Kara (Life Thus Far...). She is always making such wonderful looking food!

Anyway, here are the pictures of my cupcakes!

I can't wait to taste them tonight!

How about you guys, do you prefer cooking or baking? both?



The McClain's said...

Those look so yummy!!! They should defintly be on the menu for our next dinner visit!

Is your kitchen all done and fixed?

The Smith Family said...

Looks like the cupcakes turned out great! Glad you enjoy reading my blog too. :)