Saturday, April 9, 2011


Today I am taking an online course with Jasmine Star.  She is bringing huge challenges into my life with this course.  She is challenging me to think.  Like, who does that??  Seriously?  She is making me challenge who I am.  Who I want to be.  Who am I?  What inspires me?  What makes me who I am right now?  All of these questions are supposed to help me grow my business....but yet, I am scared to answer them.  How do I answer these questions when I am afraid of the answers...

This course is changing my life.  Does that sound cliche?  TOO STINKING BAD.  It's true.  I HAVE to  figure out what inspires me, what makes me tick, if I want my business to grow.  It is uncomfortable, it is scary....but that's the risk.  You have to take risks to grow.

Can't go with out a photo so here you go--a sneak peak of a quick trip to Chicago I made a few weeks ago :)

1 comment:

Spicytee said...

That was a huge inspiration indeed. When I discovered her blog. I started rebrand my business. She is da bomb