Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Beginnings

As I sat in my living room New Years Eve, I kept reading all of my favorite photographers blogs talking about a new year, goals, dreams coming to light, new beginnings.  It made me think.....where am I in all of this?  Shouldn't I be in the same place, making similar goals and aspirations?  The one thing I struggle with is believing that I have the talent to be hired.  Talent that sets me apart.  The talent to be in the mix with all these other very talented people.

So here it goes guys....this year I am going to set myself apart.  I am going to set goals and aspirations. 
I am going to believe in myself.

And since a post isn't the same without a picture, here is a photo of Chloe we took the other night with Daniel's handy iPhone....she was determined to help Daniel with his mixing project :)

Happy New Year everyone :)

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